MWolf Software ئاپەکان

Complete Countdown Timer 1.1.1
MWolf Software
Complete Countdown Timer is an intuitive yetversatile countdown timer which has almost unlimited applications.Whether you're using this in the kitchen, for your exercise routineor out and about, you'll find the flexibility offers almost endlesspossibilities.To achieve this versatility, this application offers unlimitedcountdown timers, that can be linked to allow even the mostcomplicated timers to be achieved. However, the UI avoid complexity- and a simple countdown can be achieved in just a couple of keypresses.This countdown will run in the background, and providecustomisable alerts when a timer ends - both in terms of sound anda popup screen. User preferences are included to set the alert toneand determine whether and when alerts automatically clear.For ease of management timers can be named (if desired), and setin terms of hours, minutes and seconds. If you wish, you can addseveral times and have them operate independently or otherwise linkthem together. When linked you can set timers to either:1) End before an existing timer - to set a timer to go off beforeanother timer. An example application of this is in cooking, whereyou may want to put carrots in the oven 30 minutes before a jointfinishes. Now there is no need for complex calculations, just set asecond timer and have the application work it out for you.2) Start after an exist timer - to start the next timer only oncethe first has completed. An example application for this is anexercise routine where you want to start the next activity once thecurrent is completed.You can also have timers acting independently, for examplesetting three individual timers that can be individually startedand stopped.On the main timer screen, colors are used to warn when a timingis coming up to completion, and all timers can be simply started,stopped and reset from the main application timers. If you want tostart or stop timers independantly you simply hold the timer nameand select from the popup.Note that the application automatically saves the state of alltimers, so they are availability next time you load theapplication.At the moment this is an initial functionally complete releaseand I'm looking to enhance functionality in future releases. ThusI'd appreciate feedback on features you'd like to see and bugs youmay have encountered. Ideas for future versions include:1) Ability to save and load timers.2) Option to have different style of alerts.3) Add icon to notification bar to show timers are running.4) Option to select volume.I'd appreciate input on the above and any other ideas you mayhave.Note that this version does include a small banner advert at thebottom. I've tried to avoid this being disruptive, but am open tosuggestions on location or offering a advert free version.
Complete Simon 1.2
MWolf Software
Complete Simon is an adaption of the classiccolor memory game, where you progress through levels of increasingdifficulty by repeating back a pattern of colors. The patternincreases by one each level, and the aim is to get through as manylevels as possible. Features include:1) Choose between 4, 6 or 9 colors.2) Choose between a variety of game modes.3) Option to replay the pattern at any time.4) Resume option, so you don’t lose your game if you get acall.5) Online leaderboard and achievements.6) Option to set the speed of the lights and turn audio on andoff.7) Unique tones for each color.Complete Simon includes integration with ScoreLoop, whichenables you to track your score on each game type against otherplayers. You can also pick up achievements as you progress throughthe game - can you collect all six?The game supports the following three game modes atpresent:1) Standard Mode - the traditional game play where you progressthrough levels with a new color added after each level.2) Resequence Mode - where the entire color sequence changes eachlevel.3) Sound Only Mode - as requested, in this mode you only get sound,no lights - not for the feint hearted!Please let me know if you have any suggestions or requests, asI’m always looking to improve my titles. Note that this version issupported by an unobtrusive ad at the top of the game screen.
Complete Random Number 1.0
MWolf Software
Complete Random Number is a powerful yetsimple to use random number generator. It includes support forthree types of random generation:1) A number range (for example, between 1 and 49 for a lotterynumber)2) A decimal number (decimal between 0 and 1)3) A Gaussian number.You can return up to 99 results at a time, and set the number ofdecimal places (where applicable). Application also includessupport for copying the results to the clipboard (just select itfrom the menu).Please let me know if you have any suggestions for futureimprovements.
Complete Bubble Burst 1.3
MWolf Software
Complete Bubble Burst is an addictive puzzlegame where you aim to clear the play area of bubbles by burstinggroups of two or more bubbles of the same color. You score morepoints for clearing larger groups of bubbles, plus a bonus forclearing the whole area. There are a number of play modesavailable, which include new bonus bubbles and level progression,alongside the classic “bubble blast” game play.In arcade mode you start with a number of lives and try toprogress through as many levels as possible to build up a highscore – you lose lives for each bubble left on the screen whenthere are no more moves remaining. There are a number of game typesyou can select:Challenge Mode: This mode includes a number of bonus items(score multipliers, extra lives, devastating bombs and multicolorbubbles) to add a new dimension to the game. Levels get graduallyharder as you progress through the game.Drop Bubble Mode: In this mode new bubbles will be added atregular intervals. Make sure you clear space for each new row,otherwise it will be game over!Classic Mode: Play the traditional bubble blast game, selectingthe grid size and number of colors of your choice. You caninstantly start a quick game at any time from the main menu.Stamina Game: Play an unlimited number of random levels ofeither the challenge or classic modes – build up the highest scoreyou can.Timed Game: Clear as many levels as you can in five minutes;collect bonus clocks to provide extra time.Complete Bubble Burst includes integration with ScoreLoop, whichenables you to track your score on each game type against otherplayers. You can also pick up achievements as you progress throughthe game - can you collect all ten?Game also includes the ability to undo your last move if youmake a mistake, sound effects and a selection of handy hints.Detailed help is available from the main menu.Please let me know any suggestions you may have forimprovements, as well as alternative game play types. Note thatthis version does include in small advert at the top of the gameplay screen, purposely positioned to avoid accidently clicking itduring a game!
Complete Converter 1.0
MWolf Software
Complete Converter is a powerful yet easy touse application that allows you to quickly convert between variousunit types. The intuitive interface allows you to quickly selectthe units for conversion, with the result dynamically updating asthe conversion is changed.To make conversion even easier, the application will rememberthe last conversions you undertook, and automatically select thesenext time. You can also "favourite" conversions to provide instantaccess to your most commonly accessed units.If you can't find the unit type you want to convert, you canreadily add your own custom units. This powerful feature allows youto quickly and simply add new units, for example to add a missingunit to the "weight" category. You can even add your custom unittypes, offering almost endless possibilities for expansion.If you have any recommendations or bug reports please let meknow and I can look at incorporating into the next version. Buildin support includes length, volume, weight, data, speed, time,temperature and area.Note that currently only english is included in the package. Ifanyone would like to translate into another language please drop mea line. Note the icons in this application were from Joseph Wain /
Complete Simon No-Ads 1.2
MWolf Software
Complete Simon is an adaption of theclassiccolor memory game, where you progress through levels ofincreasingdifficulty by repeating back a pattern of colors. Thepatternincreases by one each level, and the aim is to get throughas manylevels as possible. Features include:1) Choose between 4, 6 or 9 colors.2) Choose between a variety of game modes.3) Option to replay the pattern at any time.4) Resume option, so you don’t lose your game if you getacall.5) Online leaderboard and achievements.6) Option to set the speed of the lights and turn audio onandoff.7) Unique tones for each color.Complete Simon includes integration with ScoreLoop, whichenablesyou to track your score on each game type against otherplayers. Youcan also pick up achievements as you progress throughthe game - canyou collect all six?The game supports the following three game modesatpresent:1) Standard Mode - the traditional game play where youprogressthrough levels with a new color added after eachlevel.2) Resequence Mode - where the entire color sequence changeseachlevel.3) Sound Only Mode - as requested, in this mode you only getsound,no lights - not for the feint hearted!Please let me know if you have any suggestions or requests,asI’m always looking to improve my titles.Note that this version is identical to the free version,butwithout the ads (providing a little more space on the gamescreen).I appreciate your support.
Matching Pairs 1.1.1
MWolf Software
Matching Pairs is a recreation of theclassicmemory game, where you look to find pairs of images within aset ofcards. This game comes with six different decks, each with uptofifty pairs to find. There are also two game modes:1) "Classic Mode" - select the number of pairs you want to playwithand the deck and complete the game as fast as possible.2) "Arcade Mode" - progress through progressively morechallenginglevels against the clock. Score more points the quickerand moreaccurately you progress.The game supports both portrait and landscape orientation,andyou can select the card size to zoom the screen according toyourpersonal taste. If the cards overflow on the screen you caneasilypan left and right by dragging your finger on the screen,arrowsindicate when scrolling is available.The game also includes options for marking those cards thatyouhave not tried, and you can also have each tile marked withanumber to help you keep track of where you are. Additionallyyoucan continue a started arcade game at a later date if youdon'tcomplete in one sitting.Matching Pairs includes integration with ScoreLoop, whichenablesyou to track your score on each game type against otherplayers. Youcan also pick up achievements as you progress throughthe game - canyou collect all eight?Note that this game does include a small banner advert at thetopof the screen.
Dots and Boxes 1.3
MWolf Software
Dots and Boxes (sometimes called"Squares")brings the classic paper and pencil game to your mobiledevice. Youcan play against up to three computer or human opponentsin avariety of game modes. Each player takes turns to draw alinebetween a dot on the game area, and if you complete a box youscorea point and get another go. The player who completes the mostboxesin a round wins.This game features:1) Support for up to four computer or human players.2) Advanced computer intelligence with four levels ofcomputerdifficulty - from very easy through to hard.3) Several game modes to choose from, including challenge,pointsand stamina modes.4) Customize each players name, initial and color.5) Varying grid sizes, up to 10x10 squares.6) Option to continue game, so you needn't play through alllevelsin one go.7) Scoreloop integration with online leaderboardandachievements.8) Ability to undo the last move made in a game.Game modes include:* Challenge mode - move through progressively harder levelsagainstthe computer.* Points mode - score different points for each square, adding anewdimension to the classic game.* Stamina mode - select easy, medium or hard and complete asmanylevels as possible before losing all your "lives".* Classic mode - choose human and/or computer components on thegridof your choice.The game will highlight moves made by the computer, andincludesa number of options for customizing game play andsound.I'd be happy to hear any suggestions you may have to improvethegame further, please either email me or put them in a comment.Thisgame does include a small banner advert at the top of thegamearea.
Complete Bubble Burst No-Ads 1.3
MWolf Software
Complete Bubble Burst is an addictivepuzzlegame where you aim to clear the play area of bubbles byburstinggroups of two or more bubbles of the same color. You scoremorepoints for clearing larger groups of bubbles, plus a bonusforclearing the whole area. There are a number of playmodesavailable, which include new bonus bubbles and levelprogression,alongside the classic “bubble blast” game play.In arcade mode you start with a number of lives and trytoprogress through as many levels as possible to build up ahighscore – you lose lives for each bubble left on the screenwhenthere are no more moves remaining. There are a number of gametypesyou can select:Challenge Mode: This mode includes a number of bonus items(scoremultipliers, extra lives, devastating bombs and multicolorbubbles)to add a new dimension to the game. Levels get graduallyharder asyou progress through the game.Drop Bubble Mode: In this mode new bubbles will be addedatregular intervals. Make sure you clear space for each newrow,otherwise it will be game over!Classic Mode: Play the traditional bubble blast game,selectingthe grid size and number of colors of your choice. Youcaninstantly start a quick game at any time from the main menu.Stamina Game: Play an unlimited number of random levels ofeitherthe challenge or classic modes – build up the highest scoreyoucan.Timed Game: Clear as many levels as you can in fiveminutes;collect bonus clocks to provide extra time.Complete Bubble Burst includes integration with ScoreLoop,whichenables you to track your score on each game type againstotherplayers. You can also pick up achievements as you progressthroughthe game - can you collect all ten?Game also includes the ability to undo your last move if youmakea mistake, sound effects and a selection of handy hints.Detailedhelp is available from the main menu.Please let me know any suggestions you may have forimprovements,as well as alternative game play types.
Dots and Boxes No-Ads 1.1.3
MWolf Software
Dots and Boxes (sometimes called"Squares")brings the classic paper and pencil game to your mobiledevice. Youcan play against up to three computer or human opponentsin avariety of game modes. Each player takes turns to draw alinebetween a dot on the game area, and if you complete a box youscorea point and get another go. The player who completes the mostboxesin a round wins.This game features:1) Support for up to four computer or human players.2) Advanced computer intelligence with four levels ofcomputerdifficulty - from very easy through to hard.3) Several game modes to choose from, including challengeandstamina modes.4) Customize each players name, initial and color.5) Varying grid sizes, up to 10x10 squares.6) Option to continue game, so you needn't play through alllevelsin one go.7) Scoreloop integration with online leaderboardandachievements.8) Ability to undo the last move made in a game.Game modes include:* Challenge mode - move through progressively harder levelsagainstthe computer.* Stamina mode - select easy, medium or hard and complete asmanylevels as possible before losing all your "lives".* Classic mode - choose human and/or computer components on thegridof your choice.The game will highlight moves made by the computer, andincludesa number of options for customizing game play andsound.I'd be happy to hear any suggestions you may have to improvethegame further, please either email me or put them in a comment.Thispaid for version does not feature any advertisments - thanksforyour support!